





The Team


My internship at InfinityHub started with a comprehensive orientation session. I was introduced to the team, the company's culture, and the specifics of my role as a Programmer/Developer. My main task was to develop a payroll mobile app using React Native and Laravel. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as I prepared to dive into this significant project.

Reflecting on my overall experience at InfinityHub, I feel very happy with what I accomplished and learned. The skills I gained in React Native and Laravel, coupled with the experience of working in a team, have been invaluable. This internship has given me confidence in my abilities and has provided me with a solid foundation to build my future career upon.

The knowledge and experience I acquired during this internship will serve as a guide when I apply for jobs in the future. Understanding how to manage time effectively, work collaboratively, and develop applications in a professional setting are lessons that I will carry forward into my career.

This internship at InfinityHub has been a pivotal experience, shaping my professional skills and reinforcing my passion for software development. I am grateful for the opportunity and excited about the future.

The Team and the Supervisor


The Project

Employee Payroll Management System Mobile App

The project is a mobile application that can manage the payroll of the employees of a company. It is a cross-platform mobile application that is developed using React Native and Laravel as the backend.
